Buck är från Boston USA och gift med brudgummens fars syster Suzanne. Vilken tur att vi hamnade bredvid varandra. Buck är inte heller en "small talker" utan vi kastade oss in i livets stora frågor - kärlek, relationer, politik, död och listan fortsatte. Det var ljuvligt att lyssna på denna citatmaskin. Buck log stort: I love weddings, most of the gatherings we do nowadays sadly are funurals.. Jag: My granddad said the same thing years ago so I took him to a blind date to cheer him up. Buck skrattar: That's a wonderful story, did the date cheer him up? Jag: Oh yes, they fell in love! It's amazing that two people in their late eighties could find love again. Buck tvekar: Amazing indeed but not that amazing. I don't think you lose faith in love just because you reach a certain age. Age is not a problem. The problem can be your last history of a relashionship. The hardest way to find love again is if your last experience of love made you lose faith and put you in a bitter state of mind. That can happen at any age. Buck har så rätt! Det är det föregångna förhållandet och huruvida det lämnar en med hopp eller bitterhet som ger förutsättningarna för det nästa. Såvida man inte jobbar med sig själv däremellan. Dom här två har i alla fall hopp om framtiden. Det blev mycket käreksdiskussioner med Buck, jag tror att bröllopet gjorde det så. Jag klurade på varför så många skiljer sig. Buck själv har varit gift med Suzanne i 43 år. När jag lyfte min undran om skilsmässor sa Buck: That's the wrong focus dear. The question isn't whats seperates people, the question is What's the magic the holds people together for a life time! And the magic that bring people who have nothing in common together. Now that's interesting!" Jag: So what's the magic Buck? You've been married for 43 years." Buck funderar en stund: The greek Heracliton said "you can't step in the same river twice" and I believe it's the same thing with a relashionship. You better have the attitude that it wont be the same. The relashionship I started in the 60:ies is't the same one I have today, and that's ok. We change. You know what doesn't change? Jag: Death. Buck: Exactly, so be prepared for change and go with it. If you don't like the change, well work with it. And if it doesn't work, well that's ok. But I still think we shouldn't do what everybody does - get divorced. Search for the magic that holds people together. Jag: You've found the magic. Buck skrattar: I sure did! /Elaine, önskar att hon hade gett Buck en kram innan hon for iväg.