Ni som följer bloggen vet att jag är kristen och ska gifta mig snart. Vigseln kommer vara i kyrkan, så nu vill jag hitta en kristen låt som jag tror på och tycker om. Jag vet inte om jag kommer klara av att hålla tillbaka tårarna för sångerskan vi har bokat till kyrkan är... otrolig. Jag tänkte His eyes is on the sparrow, men den känns lite sorglig på något sätt. Vad tycker ni? Why should I feel discouraged, Why should the shadows come, Why should my heart feel lonely And long for Heav'n and home, When Jesus is my portion? A constant Friend is He: His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches over me; His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me. I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free, His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me (He watches me) His eye is on the sparrow And I know he watches (I know he watches) (I know he watches me) I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free, His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me (He watches me) His eye is on the sparrow And I know he watches me (He watches me) He watches me (I know he watches me) "Let not your heart be troubled," His tender word I hear, And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears; Though by the path He leadeth But one step I may see: His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me; His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me. Whenever I am tempted, Whenever clouds arise, When songs give place to sighing, When hope within me dies, I draw the closer to Him, From care He sets me free: His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He cares for me; His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He cares for me.